Olfactory – For many years parrot owners were told don’t bother offering scents to your birds they have very small olfactory receptors. This may be true compared to say a vulture but it doesn’t completely discount the category. Olfactory enrichment can be provided very simply by adding natural scents like basil or chilies by rubbing them on toys and perching. You can also include edible flowers in foraging opportunities to add the olfactory dynamic.
Robin Shewokis
Robin Shewokis is the owner of The Leather Elves. Since 2000, Robin has consulted at zoos in the U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Holland, and has distributed enrichments products worldwide. Robin regularly speaks at parrot clubs, providing workshops teaching ways to create a stimulating environment. She also develops new products for parrots that will stimulate naturalistic behavior. Robin has published articles on enrichment in national and international publications. She has also created two DVD's, "Enriching Your Parrot's Life", and "Get Your Bird Back". Robin is a state coordinator for the American Federation of Aviculture. She is a past president of the International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators.